Getting a small business loan can take anywhere from a few business days to three months. The exact time varies based on different factors. Some loans can be approved in just a few days. Others may take longer, especially if they require more paperwork. A few online funders even offer same-day funding.
Banks and lenders have their own processes.
Every October, National Women’s Small Business Month celebrates the achievements of women in business and highlights their contributions to the economy. Women-owned small businesses are an essential part of our country. They create jobs and drive innovation.
The history of National Women’s Small Business Month began in 1988. The U.S. Congress passed a resolution recognizing women’s role in small businesses.
It’s truly unfortunate that the program is being placed on hold due to bad actors trying to exploit it. It’s also frustrating that the IRS hadn’t taken more proactive measures to stop or prevent fraud prior to the rising concerns.
It’s now a waiting game for eligible business owners until the moratorium is lifted. In the meantime, you can review
Fraud Disclosure:
Please be aware that individuals have been fraudulently misrepresenting to business owners (and others) that United Capital Source, Inc. (“UCS”) can assist small businesses in receiving government grants and other forgivable business loans, when in fact those grants or loans do not exist or are not available. These individuals have ulterior motives and are engaging in the unauthorized use of the names, trademarks, domain names, and logos of UCS in an attempt to commit fraud upon unsuspecting small business owners.
UCS will never communicate with a prospective client on Facebook, Facebook Messenger, or any other type of social media. Further, any email communications will always come from an official UCS email address and not a Gmail, Yahoo, or other email domain. If you believe you have been contacted by someone posing as an employee of UCS, please email [email protected].